Download Clientexec

Download Clientexec and start automating your web hosting company today.


  • Added Transactions By Month report.
  • Added Email history to a client's profile in the admin area.
  • Added A basic TLD Importer for eNom TLDs.
  • Added TLD and group id to error message log when a domain is looked up for a TLD that is not currently supported
  • Added A new hook for "Service-AutoSuspend-Suspend" and "Service-AutoSuspend-UnSuspend".
  • Added JavaScript & CSS sources to allow loading from local instead of CDN.
  • Added Ability to report chargebacked invoices to MaxMind.
  • Added New PayFast Payment Gateway (Development sponsored by
  • Added New Square Payment Gateway.
  • Added New Virtualizor Server Plugin.
  • Added New Registrar Plugin.
  • Added New Billing Setting "Generate Invoices Per Package" to allow you to determine if when generating recurring invoices, to separate the packages in different invoices if possible.
  • Improved Add billing update to Add/Edit UserPackage API.
  • Improved Updated email history to include the from email and name.
  • Improved Added TLD to supported TLDs when not using a registrar.
  • Improved Added ec TLD to supported TLDs when not using a registrar.
  • Improved Updated our reCAPTCHA to use cURL instead of sockets.
  • Improved Updated MaxMind to use their new services (Score, Insights, Factors).
  • Improved Removed high risk country order denies from MaxMind, as they no longer support this.
  • Improved Allow cPanel reseller packages to Login to cPanel & Login to WHM.
  • Improved Added new package variable to cPanel reseller packages, to determine if the reseller should own itself.
  • Improved Added the ability to use htpasswd user/pass when connecting to a SolusVM server.
  • Improved Add Name Suggest, Import Domains, and Import Prices as features of RegistrarPlugins.
  • Improved Deprecated the use of ICanImportDomains interface in favor of supports() method in RegistrarPlugin.
  • Improved Removed "Authorize.Net CIM Validation Mode" setting and forced to be always in test mode to avoid creating unwanted testing transactions.
  • Improved Removed dead gateway plugin InternetSecure.
  • Improved No longer check if a cPanel package name is valid, instead let their API return an error.
  • Improved PDF invoices will now always be displayed as a VAT invoice if the default country is part of the European Union and there are Tax Rules configured as VAT, or if the client is under a Tax Rule that uses VAT.
  • Improved Removed "Generate Next Recurring Invoice" button from "Invoices" tab and added "Generate Next Invoice" button in "Packages" tab.
  • Improved Added new validations when merging users to make sure everything was properly merged, or abort before deleting the old user.
  • Fixed Ensure the IPv4 address is shown on the registrar settings page.
  • Fixed An issue with pclzip library and a non-numeric value.
  • Fixed An issue that was not displaying active SSL packages if they were missing the 'Certificate Expiration Date' value.
  • Fixed An issue preventing only top menu mapping in snapins to work.
  • Fixed Ensure that a staff member has manage KB permission before updating the order of KB articles.
  • Fixed An issue with displaying the addon name when editing an addon if the addon was not assigned to any products.
  • Fixed An issue with sign up not changing an inactive client to pending when an inactive client signs up for a new package.
  • Fixed Remove an un-needed & at the end of the ResellerClub URL string.
  • Fixed Remove an un-needed & at the end of the ResellerClub URL string.
  • Fixed Fixed undefined supports function in SSLPlugin.php
  • Fixed Fixed some issues that were not allowing the Auto Suspend / Unsuspend plugin to notify about packages needing unsuspension..
  • Fixed Avoid creating Paypal Subscriptions when there are multiple invoice entries for the same item, or the invoice entries start in different periods.
  • Fixed Do not start transfer if no epp code for ResellerClub.
  • Fixed Do not cancel ResellerClub domains when their API returns an unexpected error.
  • Fixed Fixed issue with monthly invoice display on default invoice when Date Format is "dd/mm/yyyy".
  • Fixed Fixed some invoice translations.