Added Last Reply to Ticket List on Admin Dashboard
Added Attempt to disable MySQL Strict Mode
Added Attempt to activate a 30 day free trial on installation if no license exists
Added New client side bootstrap version to 3.4.1
Added New "Billing Cycles" section under billing settings, to allow add, edit and delete billing cycles
Added A button to manually set an invoice to "Pending" status in the invoices grid
Added The ability to have meta keywords and description in KB articles.
Added TLD & Pricing import to NetEarthOne
Added TLD & Pricing import to
Added Getting and Setting DNS records to NetEarthOne
Added Getting and Setting DNS records to
Added TLD & Pricing Import to NameSilo
Added A proper error message if trying to connect to cPanel Server with an invalid hostname.
Added Description to Stripe Checkout payments
Added New setting to block certain phrases from being allowed in domain registrations / transfers
Added The ability tyo send coupone code to sign up with the GET parameter "couponCode"
Added The ability to send the billing c ycle to sign up with the GET parameter "paymentterm" using either the billing cycle id, or a value representing the billing cycle. For Example, 15 days can be either 15d or d15, 1 week can be either 1w or w1, 3 months can be either 3m or m3, 2 years can be either 2y or y2
Added Captcha to client side Reset Password
Added The ability to cancel packages from a client's profile packages list
Added New admin preference to allow the support ticket list to auto refresh
Improved Invoices grid to also display and order by Date Created
Improved The reports menu to be sorted alphabetically
Improved Credit management in admin to allow for better tracking of client credit.
Improved Paypal plugin to handle the transaction types: recurring_payment and express_checkout
Improved Domain Updater Service to ensure that domains are not canceled if CURL can not resolve the API host of the registrar.
Improved PayPal plugin to avoid trying to create subscriptions greater than 1 year when using the new API, as it is currently restricted to 1 year or less
Improved Login page HTML to allow for custom css padding/margin on "Don't have an account? Register now" and "Forgot your password"
Fixed The temp/cache path for mPDF to be uploads/cache
Fixed When parsing an email, if the from address is invalid, check the return-path header
Fixed Trim whitespace from a servers hostname and shared IP upon saving
Fixed Issue with full client data export if an invoice entry referenced a user package that did not exist
Fixed Issue with saving/display plugin options under Advanced & Plugin Settings of a product
Fixed invalidation of opcache on certain installer files during installation
Fixed Display of invoice entries description and detail with the updated names of the product and product group
Fixed Issue when adding an invoice entry that is not using a dot as a decimal separator, causing the price to be different than expected
Fixed Mass Pay button to be able to work even when only 1 invoice is selected
Fixed Issue with URL encoding cPanel password on account creation
Fixed Paystack plugin, that now requires to also send the currency code
Fixed Issue with Monthly Income By Type Report causing a non-numeric value error
Fixed Issue with Predicted Income Report causing a non-numeric value error
Fixed Issue with Upcoming Charges Report causing a non-numeric value error
Fixed Issue with custom fields not always being available to clients when viewing a support ticket